
Monday 16 July 2012

Apakah itu konsep Triniti (Malay) ?

Who is the Trinity ?

Dalam Agama Kristian. Tuhan diberi nama Bapak, Anak, dan Roh Kudus.

Itu bukan-lah tiga orang, tetapi satu Tuhan tiga peribadi. Mungkin ramai

bingung kerana Yahweh (Tuhan), Yeshua (Isa) dan Roh Kudus (Suci),

nampak-nya sebagai tiga orang.  Itu bukan-lah betul. Contoh-nya Air.

Air, bila minum itu mengalir kepada badan. Bila beku pepejal menjadi

air batu. Kalau didihkan menjadi Wap.  Air, Air Batu dan Wap semua-nya


Mungkin ramai yang katakan mana boleh Tuhan menjadi manusia dalam

badan nabi Yeshua (Isa). Yeshua (Isa) adalah Tuhan yang di-cermin dalam

badan se-orang manusia. Oleh itu, Yeshua (Isa) boleh membuat keajaiban

yang kurniakan oleh Tuhan. Saya nak menjelaskan bila Yeshua (Isa)

di-cermin dari Tuhan. Dia terjadi se-orang manusia. Bila dia mati dari

'silang kayu' itu untuk pendamai kepada Tuhan atas dosa manusia.

Dalam Agama Yahudi hukum 'Mosaic' dahulu dosa manusia, binatang

di-korban untuk pendamai kepada Tuhan.  


  1. [ This is a translation of the Trinity from Malay to English. The translation
    is not exactly precise in statement, but rather, meaning carries across. Its
    complicated to write directly from English to Malay and translate back to English]

    In the Christian Religion. God's given the name of the Father, Son and

    Holy Spirit. That is not three, but one God three personalities. Perhaps

    many will be confused because Yahweh (God), Yeshua (Jesus) and Holy Spirit (Holy),

    appear as three persons. That is not right. For Example, Water.

    Water, when one drinks, flows into to the body. When frozen solid it will

    become ice. If it boils it becomes Steam. Water, Ice and Steam are

    the same.

    Perhaps many will say, how can God became man in the body of the Prophet

    Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua (Jesus) is God (best explained) as a mirror in

    body as a human person. By that, Yeshua (Jesus) was able to create miracles

    as bestowed by God. I want to clarify that Yeshua (Jesus) was the

    the mirror (reflection) of God. He was there (on earth) as a human person.

    When he died on 'wooden cross' (The Cross). It was for the atonement to God

    for the sins for all humanity. In Judaism the 'Mosaic' law of old, for the sins of

    humanity, the sacrifice of animals were used as an atonement to God.

  2. Replies
    1. Shalom Aleichem, Thank-you for kind remarks

      Shalom in Yeshuas Name
