
Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Scandal of Christianity, Myth or Truth ? Part II

Continuing from the previous segment. I can see how MB's narrative very much aligns
with rabbinical sources.

  • MB "Isaiah is definitely not talking about a servant nation,..."

    Of course i disagree Isa 53 is talking about jesus. I already stated very clearly in my previous posts line by line intepretation of Isa 53. Isa 53 is one of the 4 servant songs, and all th
    ese 4 servant songs stated very clearly that it is refering to the Jewish Nation - Israel.

    Why Christianity ignoring 3 servant songs that linked together and select only 1 (favorite-ly) to read? And why Christianity not reading their bible in Hebrew language?

    And Christians (a religion that came in the later time) scholars purposefully pick only 1 (only Isa 53) out of this 4 servant songs to link to jesus - this is purely cherry pick and plug. They know the rest of the 3 songs cannot matched with whatsoever. Scholars should know the texts much more better than us. This is clearly purposeful.

    Even without the translation, Isa 53:8 cleary stated "they were". Is the words "they were" an individual? Of course not. A common sense would know, but Christinity never admit their wrong.

    Here is Isa 53:8 - "He was released from captivity and judgment; who could have imagined such a generation? For he was removed from the land of the living; because of my people's sin they (the Jews) were afflicted."

    The Hebrew word for “they were” (lamoh – וֹמָל) always refers to a group, never to an individual. (see for example, Psalms 99:7)

    ".....he nation and definitely not in the plural in Isaiah 7 verse 14"

    Isa 7:14 is a historical reading/fact. This verse is Isaiah himself told (this Isa 7:14) to King Ahaz because Ahaz was an evil king, God would continue to protect Jerusalem in the merit of his righteous predecessors.

    When Ahaz ignores Isaiah’s warning the prophet tells him to request a sign from God. After Ahaz refuses this offer, Isaiah informs him that God will give him a sign in spite of his stubbornness.

    This is a historical knowledge. This has nothing to do with jesus. In fact, as you said, Christianity mistranslate the word “virgin” as well. This verse definitely not about jesus, is just a pure cherry pick by Christianity.

  • MB Blood, blood, blood oh blood blood blood – "wine and bread as metaphor in remembrance of his crucifixion.”

    Symbolic or real (blood) alike – this is sorcery.

    Which religions on earth wanting his followers to do such act? Drink blood (wine) and eat his meat in remembrance of him? Asian gang mafia would do that by submitting themselves to Chinese goddess and drink chicken blood in front of a tomb to form a brotherhood' (gang related brotherhood').

    After drinking those they felt ecstatic, very alert and "powerful", super energetic – likewise to Christians after communion service, they felt “new” or high spirit/or high – or holy spirit touched by god – this is dangerous and demonic.

    The Torah is very clear – do not practice sorcery (symbolic or real blood alike because blood contain life force).

    This Torah verse specifically indicated blood and sorcery together.

    Leviticus 19:26 "'Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. "'Do not practice divination or seek omens.”

    When Lev 19:26 specifically link/indicating “blood” and “'Do not practice divination or seek omens” in one verse together – this is already telling that do NOT practice sorcery. Why jesus done that and instructed all his followers to do the same?

    “Yeshua however is not a mere man.”

    Jesus definitely not G-d either because Torah/Tanach said that G-d cannot be a man.

    "I am G-d, and not man" Hosea 11:9.

    "G-d is not a man" I Samuel 15:29.

    "G-d is not a man" Bamidbar / Numbers 23:19.

    And let's not forget "I HaShem do not change" Malachai 3:6.

    "Before Me no god was formed, nor will there be one after Me. I, even I, am HaShem, and besides Me there is no Savior.” Isaiah 43:11.

    “I am the first and I am the last; apart from Me there is no G-d!" Isaiah 44:6

    "I am HaShem, and there is no other; besides Me there is no G-d" Isaiah 45:5

    "Remember the first things of old, that I am G-d and there is no other; I am G-d and there is none like Me." Isaiah 46:9.

    *****Bonus: And definitely Christianity claimed that jesus did not fulfill and he will need to comeback the 2nd time to finish it which contradict again number 23:19 from Revelation in NT:

    Numbers 23:19 – “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

    So, let alone be him.

  • Don Tan Can a false prophet raise the dead ? You never answered that. Does HaShem give that power to sorcerers. Yeshua raised more than one, repeatedly. I already said Messiah is not a mere man. Is HaShem's Ruach not part of HaShem. If the Messiah is the 'Arm of the Lord' in Isaiah 53, is that not part of HaShem.

    13 Hinei, Avdi [Moshiach, see Zecharyah 3:8] shall act wisely, he shall be raised and be lifted up, and be highly exalted.

    14 As rabbim (many) were appalled at thee [Moshiach]; his appearance was so disfigured more than any man, and his form more than the bnei adam;

    15 So yazzeh Goyim rabbim (he [Moshiach] will sprinkle many nations); the melachim (kings) shall shut their mouths because of him; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and of that which they had not heard shall they have binah (understanding).

    ~ Isaiah 52

    What is verse 13 and 14 talking about ? Israel as a whole, are you kidding me ?

    What was done in the sader meal at passover according to exodus. Wasn't there Blood spread on the door to ward of the Angel of Death ?
    Were the Hebrews practicing sorcery in that instance ? It sure looks like
    it according to the verses you are spewing at me without looking at context.

    'Symbolic or real (blood) alike – this is sorcery.' blood, blood, blood,
    lots of it ...

    7 And they shall take of the dahm, and strike it upon the two mezuzot (doorposts) and on the mashkof (lintel) of the batim (houses), wherein they shall eat it. ~ Exodus 12:7
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