
Saturday, 16 August 2014

Remembering the Shabbat Part IV

  • MB Don, Rabbinical tradition never changed the 7th day shabbat (suppose friday sundown to saturday sundown) to sunday. It is the Rome who hijacked the Jewish calendar (lunar calendar) and changed it to their own - which is the Roman calendar we used today, Monday - sunday (modern day calendar).

    In the mind of Christianity, this is yet another automated (aware/unaware/lake of knowledge) demonization of the Jewish Shabbat. They (Christianity) like to point out that - "see, the Jews worship on Saturday, the 6th day - which is one day short toward the 7th completed creation day, they are like demon - worship on the 6th day."

    In truth, it is the opposite. No one worship G-d on the 1st day of the week - sunday. Only Christians.

    In the Roman calendar, each day contain certain pagan meaning. Have you ever know how this word sun-day originated from? It originated from the pagan worshipped of the Rome toward the sun on that day, and they (Rome) regarded this day to be the day of the sun, and therefore sunday is given.

    When Christians worshipping on sunday and claiming this is the biblical Shabbat - this is wrong.

    "Did HaShem say that' Friday night to Saturday evening', or was that a Rabbinical tradition ? "

    When we mentioned "Friday night to Saturday evening'" - we are based on lunar calendar (Jewish calendar, like the Chinese lunar calendar - a little different), and it falls on Friday and Saturday in the modern day calendar which is also the root of Rome calendar.
    MB When I mentioned Daniel 7:25 (verse below)

    "He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time."

    Who do you think Daniel prophesies this to? Is the holy people christian and/or muslim? Or buddhist or tao? Is the large groups (etc: christian, muslim, buddhist or either one of the combination) be delivered into his hands (to a small group of Jew ) for a time, and time and half a time? Of course not.

    The holy people is the Jews. Who try to change the set times (etc: shabbat, lunar calender)? The Rome. Who try to change the laws? The Rome in the name of Jesus (they are very dangereous), Jesus encourage them not to keep law but to believe/idolatrize in him because he is a man god. With that, you will be saved – imaginary (or “imaginery”).

    “The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time." – who delivered into his hand? The Jews. “for a time, times and half a time” – since/before/after jesus (Rome (Christians again) destroyed the temple) until today nazi (a christian) holocaust – this is called “for a time, times and half a time”.

    Did the Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Tao went through these? Not really. Did the Jews changed the Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Tao calendars and force them (Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Tao) to follow/evangelize what the Jewish lunar calendar is? No and never, and will never be.
    MB The Jewish version of Messiah is very simple and is not something very mystic like what the Christian proclaimed. The Jewish messiah must be from the line of King David, is in the Tanach. He is a human being like you and me, in literal form, will old and eventually die. This is the messiah that originally supposed to be. Up until today – the genealogy of King David is still recorded down.

    The Christians New Testament tried to link Jesus to King David. On one book, it says he is from "David". On the other book in the NT, it says he is not from David?? Whatever, Christians claimed that Jesus born from a virgin and is pregnant by a holy spirit, not a human. All these disqualified to be the messiah anyway – no matter how they wrote the genealogy of Jesus in the NT.

    The Christians are the anti-messiah (or anti christ, in their version/language) because they don’t recognize a man to be the messiah. The Christianity version of messiah is very far from the Torah – Tanach which suppose to be.

    They have their mystical version. The Christianity messiah is jesus and he will come back the 2nd time - can somehow fly down from sky, one leg touch the ground, and then elevate up hanging half way in the sky.

    Any human that is not jesus (etc: a person line from King David) they will regard as a false messiah and they (christian) will “help” the Jews remove him. The Jews wanting to keep him, and they (christian) want to remove him. Who is the anti – messiah? Is very clear.

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