
Thursday 27 February 2014

A Message from Syed M (Part I)

    Syed is a blogger that i made the acquaintance with on Raja Petra Kamaruddin's 
    Blog Malaysia Today. He messaged me after some apologetics that i was involved
    in discussion on Raja's Blog. I had hoped, we could continue the conversation here.
    My apologies for the slow response. I did not notice his message earlier. Syed has
    mentioned that he wants to continue his responses off the Blog. Therefore, i will

    only reply to his initial message to me in these posts


       D Tan
       Sorry did not notice your message. Let's have a friendly conversation. I will post
       what you said on my blogspot in a day or so with
       a reply. I'd like others to see what we have to say. You can keep messaging me or
       reply on the Blog.
       Awesome !!! ....

  • 1/18, 12:18am
    Syed M

    hi don tan, christian don't have original hebrew gospel to begin with... if you
    study arabic qur'an,even if you are an atheist, you will end up in position to
    say its crucial to have the authentic word as evidence to begin with.. if not,
    there will always be new version of bible, which is not the same as past 

    bible, let alone the original gospel.. if i ask christian which is the word 
    of god that jesus knew about? christian have a lot of branches that follow 
    different book such as catholic, catholic bible is less number of pages and 
    different in translation, without authentic word give different meaning, 
    during those era, the word do not have depth like we have today to take 
    into consideration... this is why in Islam we say arabic word of qur'an is
    the word of god, translation is only to make us understand..because in 
    translation it can be done next week, or last week, so i can no longer say 
    this qur'an translation is 1400 years old book but only last week, 
    translation is not word of god but word of translator choice of word. 
    example in arabic which is ayyam, it mean days but what is the authentic 
    understanding of people in those era may not be the same, because they 
    don't have such word as minute,hour, so the more accurate is to say period 
    of time.. other example is Christ, today if i ask christian, they will say 
    resurrection of jesus and try to convert you..but the authentic meaning is
    anointed which mean chosen as successor... nothing to do with resurrection
    and muslim in 3:45 are made to belief that jesus is Christ in qur'an, arabic
    word Masihi, hebrew messiah.

    Syed, you certainly raised some important issues. I think understand what
    you are saying. If i am not mistaken. Arabic is very much like Malay of 
    which i am semi fluent. Arabic sentences are full of metaphors. A word 
    can mean many things depending on context and structure. Also, 
    historically the context may have change. A word like ayyam may have 
    meant something similar like 'time period' as apposed to 'days'.  Similarly, 
    Hebrew which i am rediscovering the Old Testament. What you really
     mean to say is that the Bible is really 'Lost in Translation'. We've never 
    had an Aramaic Bible (New Testament). Therefore who really knows what 
    the details are. As per your statement on Original Hebrew (Old Testament). 
    What do you mean ? Ancient Hebrew (950 B.C.E) basic forms or the even 
    the older Proto Canaanite (1500 B.C.E) pictograms ? I suggest you look at
     the Isaiah Scroll (~ 335BC) at the Israel Museum found in qumran 1947. 
    It looks very authentic to me.

                                              Great Isaiah Scroll (Ancient Hebrew devoid of vowels)

     I believe there are a lot of muslim apologists that want to descredit the Old 
    Testament. Take my advise, as far as, the Old Testament is concerned. 
    Islamic manuscripts have yet to undergo the same verification and scrutiny
    the Old Testament has gone through. You may want to look through my 
    blog entries.

    (to be continued)

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