
Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Cowards in the face of Islam Part II

just one Q and i hope you get the answer of all of you're Q's? how many prophet did 
Jewish kill ? look for it and you will find the answer for you Q's. and look for the 
death causes of our prophet you will also find the answer ? best wishes

sorry these are two Q's maybe you're brain cant bear them all. just one answer is enough 
for me

Q1 Did the Jews (all Jews) kill their prophets or a bad Jew (Queen, King, Tyrant, 
Religious Authority) kill their Prophets ? I could ask the same question. Who ordered
the deaths of Asma Bin Marwah, Abu Afak, Al Nadr Bin al-Harith,...... etc. All 
Muslims or one Muslim? The later question has a larger implication because that 
one is the Founder of Islam.

Q2 The Death of ' The Prophet' is disputed. I know where you are coming from. You 
want to go there ? Lets go there. 'The Prophet' PBUH had a lot of enemies. Don't you 
think that after wiping out two whole Jewish tribes and subjugating Jewish slaves. 
He wouldn't have any enemies ? You know what happened to Safira the very night 
her tribe was wiped out. He would endear the hearts of his jewish slaves ? I don't know 
what you want me to say, or think ? I'm surprised he wasn't killed earlier ...... PBUH

you know the history then. why don't you ask or read all the Jews history in 
( almadenah ) and the treaty between ( banee khurydah ) and Muslims in al Madeena  
when our prophet came to this city form mecca . and how did the Jews break it when
they made an alliances with his enemies to let them inter almadenah in ( al khandak 
battle ), and after that they accepted the judgement of  (sa'ad eben moath) because of
their treason, i hope you read the story when Jews tried to through a big stone over 
him when they asked him to debate with their scholars and tried to deceive him again
( read you're history man you will find it fell with treason ) not just against islam even 
against you're prophet Moses. why our prophet did not fight the Jews in al yaman even 
though they did not accept islam when they came to our prophet and insisted on keeping
their own religion . other names every one has its own story against Islam read it from a
good resources and you will find the reasons. not from the people who hate Islam and
change the history . we are now 1400 year after this treaty and let us to be a neutral 

if you want to talk about them one by one. i am ready

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Cowards in the face of Islam Part I

    I must admit. I sometimes feel like i am a coward. As a follower of Yeshua
the Christ. I know better living in a Muslim country most of my young adult
live. I did not make much opportunity in sharing the Gospel to Muslim friends.
Although, i did manage to, in some instances, share and even in one instance
share the Gospel directly to a Muslim stranger.

   Surprisingly, met a lot more cowards when i moved to Canada. Some even
hate me for being out-spoken when talking about Islam. They don't like it
when i point out that the Old Testament is a Jewish Bible. And they especially
dislike it when i point out that God has not abandoned the Jewish Nation.
My fellow cowards turn a deaf and blind ear as the World News continue
to broadcast fellow believers Coptics, Syriac, African, South-Asian Christians
are being persecuted or butchered by a certain other faith. My fellow believers
have a god called 'live and let live'. It's not happening in my neighborhood. So
it's out of sight and out of mind.

   My fellow Brethren, i know it's hard to stick out. I'm not asking you to
standout in the middle of the street in your downtown, or neighborhood and
share the Gospel. Some of you are soo focused on Social Justice issues that you
forgot why Jesus died for the Sins of the World. Some of you live in  Muslim
countries, and feel that you are between a rock, and hard place. Yeshua knows,
he has not abandoned you. 

 "Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as 
snakes and harmless as doves." ~ Matthew 10:16

D Tan
Jun 8, 2015

Ishad Majeed is advocating for reformation ? How is that possible there is no theology
in Islam. Just purisprudence. He the 'The Prophet' played on both sides of the fence. 
Mixed peaceful verses with violent ones. He wiped out all the jews in Saudi. 
Bani qurayza and Bani nadir my uncle's family. Islam Invaded the holy land Jerusalem
 to claim Jewish and Christian sites. I saw all the graffitti , even in the room of the
last supper, in jerusalem. Liars,lairs,lairs even in taman medan in malaysia threatening
a church by making them take down the cross. Burning ten churches down in the 
country of my birth ....

mohmaed eshkearo
Jun 10, 2015

D tan would you like me to answer or not ?

Your answer, Dawah or Muruna ? Ask Julio Kosters if he was able to respond to my 
comments and understanding directly. No one is stopping you from saying what you 
will. I will accept an answer, if you will accept, a reply. Fair enough ?