
Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Message from Syed M (Part II)

Syed also made mention a term that appears to be his benchmark 'authentic word'.
I had to think about what he was trying to say. How is the Quran the authentic word
and the Bible not an authentic word. Is it because there is no Hebrew or Aramaic
New Testament? Why has the benchmark then changed 600 years later with the
appearance of the 'prophet' of Islam. Suddenly, God speaks Arabic? In the period
between them, there was no evidence that any Islamic symbols, or reference to any
other Holy Place(Kaabah), other than Jerusalem.

Infact, the prophet of Islam himself was challenged by Jews and Nasranis(Christians).

 [29:50]   They said, "If only miracles could come down to him from his Lord!
" Say, All miracles come only from GOD; I am no more than a manifest warner."

He could not provide supernatural proof of claims to his authenticity. He only
mentions that, the Quran, is sufficient. In other words his words alone are the
authority. Contrast that to what Jesus said to the Pharasee's, and i would encourage
Syed to investigate further rather than to accept one testimony.

39 But Jesus replied, “Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a  miraculous sign; but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet  Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and  three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three 
 days and three nights. 

~ Matthew 12: 39-40 ( Read my Blog entry on Yo N' ah)

What it boils down to is the Quran really was a autobiography of the 'prophet'
 scribed by his followers from the quraisyh dialect to modern arabic. The New
Testament was a biography scribed by followers of Yeshua the Messiah
(Jesus Christ) transcribed verbally from aramaic into the translated greek text.
No one knows exactly all the details, that was not transmitted in the translation.
Similarly, no one knows what was not transmitted, translating one arabic dialect
to the modern uthmani arabic compilation. I accept that the core messages are
indeed written. If Syed wants to call the Bible a distortion, then he would be
influenced by anti-christian bias. I've read the Quran with an open mind.

'There aren't many differences between a biography and an autobiography because
they are both telling the story of of someone's life, their accomplishments, and 
what they have contributed to society. While a biography tells the facts of someone's
 life, an autobiography is a self published account of one's own life story. If your 
child were to write a book about your life, it would be considered a biography. If 
you were to write a book about your life, it would be an autobiography. The major 
 difference between them is who is telling the story. '

~ (

Truth is not determined by who said it, rather is what, am i, or are they, telling 
the Truth.

Syed also quoted a Surah 3:45

 [3:45]   The angels said, "O Mary, GOD gives you good news: a Word from 
Him whose name is `The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary. He will be prominent 
in this life and in the Hereafter, and one of those closest to Me.'

Again, the term Messiah (Al- Masihi) which means 'chosen one' or 'deliverer'. Has
different connotations to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Jews believed that he would
deliver Israel from bondage. Christians believe he is the Begotten Son of God. Is he
just a man ?

It says in the Tanakh (Old Testament). It says that the Messiah will be eternal i.e. 
existed before time (ancient days).


א   וְאַתָּה בֵּית-לֶחֶם אֶפְרָתָה, צָעִיר לִהְיוֹת בְּאַלְפֵי יְהוּדָה--מִמְּךָ לִי יֵצֵא, לִהְיוֹת מוֹשֵׁל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל; 
וּמוֹצָאֹתָיו מִקֶּדֶם, מִימֵי עוֹלָם.

1 But thou, Beth-lehem Ephrathah, which art little to be among the thousands of Judah,
out of thee shall one come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel;  
whose goings forth are from of old, from ancient days.  ~ Micah 5