The New Atheist purports that God is a 'Delusion' as Carl Marx would say
'the Opiate of the Masses'. At the heart of the matter in scholarly debate.
Evolution, they say, explains Creation in all it's Complexity. God does not
exist. I would like to weight in with my own observations. I will explain why
i don't believe that Evolution explains the existence of Life in the Universe.
There are three personal observations i would like to make with the help
of science and discovery. I'm open to suggestions, on what, you the reader
think. Do i make sense or am i as Richard Dawkin's purports under a
'God Delusion'.
Firstly, let me, clarify my position. There is a difference between the applied
sciences versus theoretical sciences. We can observe genetic variation and
evolutionary changes in biological systems. It can be empirically tested and
verified through years of research. How a cell evolved from it's fundamental
parts or cells evolving to higher forms, to me, falls under the theoretical sciences.
Scientists making inferences through observations not supported by empiricism.
Scientists observing the fossil record with the use of techniques like carbon
dating, observing nature's mechanisms, and the physical universe are making
inferences with no empirical proof. My observations:
i) Mechanics and Propulsion in the Bacteria Flagella.
I came across a phenomena that i hit me on the head. The rotating filament
particularly how the rotor and stator appears designed and operates flawlessly.
However, even more amazing. If someone can explain to me how the filament
operates as a working directional arm. I'm surprised that Physicists have not noticed
that it is almost like a robotic arm coupled directly to the rotor. Now why is
this amazing? Simply, electrical theory does not make this possible. Electrical
Engineers are well aware of Electrical Noise i.e. Harmonics (3,5,7,..odd frequencies).
Why does it work? It's not supposed too. This is a biological, mechanical and
electrical system.
ii) The Evolution of Venom
Lets talk about Snake venom which can be categorized as hemotoxicity and
neurotoxicity. Hemotoxic venom kills tissue and causes inflammation.Neurotoxic venom
effect the nervous system leading to death. Venom is essentially Snake Saliva. How did
venomous snakes evolve to the toxicity overkill levels (See Clip). How did the first
venomous snakes evolve itself, before being made extinct by predators, and/or
mutations of the saliva appear suddenly as to provide the snake a survival mechanism.
I put it to you. It is more likely that a massive numbers of snake species appeared
all of the sudden and mutation in species that evolved specialist's in venom. There is no
way a single cell evolved into many snakes. More likely, many snakes became the fewer
specialized snakes.
iii) The Universe
The 'Finely Tuned' argument. Apologist's like Dinesh D'Souza quoting Stephen Hawking's
book 'A Brief History Of Time'
'If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by
even one part in a hundred thousand million-million, the universe would have
re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size.'
To be fair. This is however explained later, which i, refer to, as the rubber band explanation
'The rate of expansion of the universe would automatically become very close
to the critical rate determined the energy density of the universe. This could
then explain why the rate of expansion is so very close to the critical rate,
without having to assume that the initial rate of expansion was very carefully
What is Stephen Hawking really saying? I had to think about it. The Universe will only
expand, as much as, it will expand. That is why i used the 'rubber band' analogy. Again,
the deeper question is why the does the 'rubber band' operate in the 'finely tuned'
decimal accuracy in the 'hundred thousand million-million'.
The god called Evolution is in itself 'Delusional'.
'the Opiate of the Masses'. At the heart of the matter in scholarly debate.
Evolution, they say, explains Creation in all it's Complexity. God does not
exist. I would like to weight in with my own observations. I will explain why
i don't believe that Evolution explains the existence of Life in the Universe.
There are three personal observations i would like to make with the help
of science and discovery. I'm open to suggestions, on what, you the reader
think. Do i make sense or am i as Richard Dawkin's purports under a
'God Delusion'.
Firstly, let me, clarify my position. There is a difference between the applied
sciences versus theoretical sciences. We can observe genetic variation and
evolutionary changes in biological systems. It can be empirically tested and
verified through years of research. How a cell evolved from it's fundamental
parts or cells evolving to higher forms, to me, falls under the theoretical sciences.
Scientists making inferences through observations not supported by empiricism.
Scientists observing the fossil record with the use of techniques like carbon
dating, observing nature's mechanisms, and the physical universe are making
inferences with no empirical proof. My observations:
i) Mechanics and Propulsion in the Bacteria Flagella.
I came across a phenomena that i hit me on the head. The rotating filament
particularly how the rotor and stator appears designed and operates flawlessly.
However, even more amazing. If someone can explain to me how the filament
operates as a working directional arm. I'm surprised that Physicists have not noticed
that it is almost like a robotic arm coupled directly to the rotor. Now why is
this amazing? Simply, electrical theory does not make this possible. Electrical
Engineers are well aware of Electrical Noise i.e. Harmonics (3,5,7,..odd frequencies).
Why does it work? It's not supposed too. This is a biological, mechanical and
electrical system.
ii) The Evolution of Venom
Lets talk about Snake venom which can be categorized as hemotoxicity and
neurotoxicity. Hemotoxic venom kills tissue and causes inflammation.Neurotoxic venom
effect the nervous system leading to death. Venom is essentially Snake Saliva. How did
venomous snakes evolve to the toxicity overkill levels (See Clip). How did the first
venomous snakes evolve itself, before being made extinct by predators, and/or
mutations of the saliva appear suddenly as to provide the snake a survival mechanism.
I put it to you. It is more likely that a massive numbers of snake species appeared
all of the sudden and mutation in species that evolved specialist's in venom. There is no
way a single cell evolved into many snakes. More likely, many snakes became the fewer
specialized snakes.
iii) The Universe
The 'Finely Tuned' argument. Apologist's like Dinesh D'Souza quoting Stephen Hawking's
book 'A Brief History Of Time'
'If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by
even one part in a hundred thousand million-million, the universe would have
re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size.'
To be fair. This is however explained later, which i, refer to, as the rubber band explanation
'The rate of expansion of the universe would automatically become very close
to the critical rate determined the energy density of the universe. This could
then explain why the rate of expansion is so very close to the critical rate,
without having to assume that the initial rate of expansion was very carefully
What is Stephen Hawking really saying? I had to think about it. The Universe will only
expand, as much as, it will expand. That is why i used the 'rubber band' analogy. Again,
the deeper question is why the does the 'rubber band' operate in the 'finely tuned'
decimal accuracy in the 'hundred thousand million-million'.
The god called Evolution is in itself 'Delusional'.